
Tadej Gregorcic

CTO and co-founder, coherence

Tadej loves making complex technology that’s easy to use. As co-founder/CTO at coherence, he’s helping make the realtime multiplayer part of game development faster, cheaper and more fun. Based in Malmö, makes his own games (incl. Elroy and the Aliens) and has worked with various game studios (Supercell, Bossa, Ustwo…).

Learn more about coherence at www.coherence.io.

About Tadej's sessions:

A CTO’s Perspective on Balancing In-House Tech with External Solutions in Game Development


A veteran panel of CTOs on an exploration of the age-old question: how much in-house tech is necessary in today’s game development? Drawing from extensive experience in the field, we’ll dissect the risks tied to an exclusively in-house approach, juxtaposed with the challenges when relying on third party tools.

Business Development Inspiring Production